Two papers accepted at AIStats 2024!

Two papers accepted at AIStats 2024!

Daniel's and David's paper were accepted at this year's AIStats!

Published on January 20, 2024 by Data Science @ LMU Munich

aistats papers

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Our papers Bayesian Semi-structured Subspace Inference by Daniel Dold, David Rügamer, Beate Sick and Oliver Dürr as well as David’s paper on Scalable Higher-Order Tensor Product Spline Models were accepted at this year’s AIStats.

Abstract Paper Daniel

Semi-structured regression models enable the joint modeling of interpretable structured and complex unstructured feature effects. The structured model part is inspired by statistical models and can be used to infer the input-output relationship for features of particular importance. The complex unstructured part defines an arbitrary deep neural network and thereby provides enough flexibility to achieve competitive prediction performance. While these models can also account for aleatoric uncertainty, there is still a lack of work on accounting for epistemic uncertainty. In this paper, we address this problem by presenting a Bayesian approximation for semi-structured regression models using subspace inference. To this end, we extend subspace inference for joint posterior sampling from a full parameter space for structured effects and a subspace for unstructured effects. Apart from this hybrid sampling scheme, our method allows for tunable complexity of the subspace and can capture multiple minima in the loss landscape. Numerical experiments validate our approach’s efficacy in recovering structured effect parameter posteriors in semi-structured models and approaching the full-space posterior distribution of MCMC for increasing subspace dimension. Further, our approach exhibits competitive predictive performance across simulated and real-world datasets.

Abstract Paper David

In the current era of vast data and transparent machine learning, it is essential for techniques to operate at a large scale while providing a clear mathematical comprehension of the internal workings of the method. Although there already exist interpretable semi-parametric regression methods for large-scale applications that take into account non-linearity in the data, the complexity of the models is still often limited. One of the main challenges is the absence of interactions in these models, which are left out for the sake of better interpretability but also due to impractical computational costs. To overcome this limitation, we propose a new approach using a factorization method to derive a highly scalable higher-order tensor product spline model. Our method allows for the incorporation of all (higher-order) interactions of non-linear feature effects while having computational costs proportional to a model without interactions. We further develop a meaningful penalization scheme and examine the induced optimization problem. We conclude by evaluating the predictive and estimation performance of our method.